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Staying Safe 

The Child Accident Prevention Trust aims to equip you with the knowledge, resources and tools to make a significant contribution to preventing childhood accidents in your community. They have an email newsletter and website full of useful information for parents and teachers.
Click on the link above or the logo and consider signing up for their email newsletter.

Here are some valuable websites included in the newsletter, helping parents and children to stay safe.
Think! Education Road Safety advice, resources and activities for parents and children.
Safe at Home is a website set up by RoSPA
Road Safety GB is the voice of Road Safety in the UK.
Firework safety - British Fireworks Association give helpful advice on the firework code for children and adults.
Change 4 Life is an NHS website giving advice on healthy eating and ways to tackle childhood obesity, among other things.

Rail safety - Network Rail have produced this rail safety video teaching children how to stay around trains and the railway. To watch the video you'll need to subscribe, however this is free.