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Trips and Visits

At various times during the year, children are taken on outings to places of interest.

Such trips are normally connected with topic work to motivate children and to provide them with first-hand experience.

Information of the trip will be sent to parents via email, giving full details and seeking parents' agreement well in advance.   Payment/consent will be required using the online payment system (Scopay). 

By giving consent parents are indicating that teachers are ‘in loco-parentis' (in place of the parent) and are thus empowered to act as responsible parents should any unforeseen emergency occur. Should you have worries concerning hospital treatment, injections etc, or are worried about matters appertaining to your child's welfare, parents should contact the school.

The current certificate issued by Hampshire Local Authority and giving details of insurance cover may be viewed at school.

The 1988 Education Act has made payment for educational visits in school time a matter for voluntary contribution, even though the school will incur the cost of travel and entrance admission etc.  After much discussion, the governors have decided that parents will be invited to make voluntary contributions to allow such off site activities to continue. Anonymous financial assistance is available to those in need and no child will be excluded on the grounds of inability to pay.  If this is your situation please write or talk to the Headteacher please so the school is aware.   However, please be aware if the school does not receive adequate donations to cover costs a trip may be at risk and need to be cancelled.